Nội dung mới nhất bởi alfaNova

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    Addon 2x [XFA] Forum List Tabs - Hiển thị Forum List dạng tab cho XenForo 2 2.1.0

    Hi All, Do you know how the make bigger just icons in these tabs? I don't know coding much so if you can share any CSS, appreciated.
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    Ẩn Unselectable Themes từ Style Chooser

    I think this is for XF1. Can I use same codes to XF2? And can I add some exceptional users with code to show passive themes?
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    Help Custom user field in postbit

    Hello all, I asked this question at lots of forum but I couldn't receive any proper solution. I have 2 questions. I hope someone can help me. I have custom userfields in my forum. I am showing this at postbit. As you know xenforo is showing that as text. How can I replace text with icon...
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