XenForo 2.2.2 Released | XenForo 2.2.2 Released **** | Add-ons Released
Maintenance time! XenForo 2.2.2 has hatched, fledged and is ready to fly the nest directly to your community via one-click upgrade.
In addition to the changes listed below, 2.2.2 has some invisible changes to improve performance, stability and compatibility with the newly released PHP 8, which we look forward to supporting fully in future.
All licensed customers may download new XenForo releases, and in order to to benefit from increased stability offered by this new version, we strongly recommend that all sites running running earlier versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade using the one-click system in their admin control panel.
Some of the changes in XF 2.2.2 include:
The following are minimum requirements:
Maintenance time! XenForo 2.2.2 has hatched, fledged and is ready to fly the nest directly to your community via one-click upgrade.
In addition to the changes listed below, 2.2.2 has some invisible changes to improve performance, stability and compatibility with the newly released PHP 8, which we look forward to supporting fully in future.
All licensed customers may download new XenForo releases, and in order to to benefit from increased stability offered by this new version, we strongly recommend that all sites running running earlier versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade using the one-click system in their admin control panel.
Some of the changes in XF 2.2.2 include:
- Fix opt-in functionality of the entity changelog behavior
- Properly sort columns for forum default sort orders
- Handle heading BB codes without a type option
- Apply base URL to relative notice display images
- Do not escape moderator log list entry action texts after stripping tags
- Catch class load errors when applying session activity details on PHP 7+
- Throw exceptions correctly in the alert API controller.
- Ensure that the "no matches" message in article preview forums always spans the full width.
- When merging posts, force the target post to be visible if it will become the first post of the thread.
- Disable user mention parsing within custom BB codes that disable auto linking or BB code parsing
- When setting a default title for avatars, do not override a custom version
- Use the correct forum type node icon in the sub forum menu/list
- Fix typo that prevents alerts from being marked as unread if a confirmation message is shown.
- Ensure the UI properly respects an explicit request to mark an alert as read or unread when a confirmation message is shown.
- Fix StylePropertyMap entity ParentProperty relation conditional
- Fix dynamic redirects for alert and conversation read state toggles
- Correct a few typos in some CLI commands
- Fix invalid format specifier in error trace argument builder
- Break the phrase import query into chunks to avoid a MariaDB performance regression.
- Fix a MySQL 8.0.22 incompatibility with the 1.x to 2.x upgrade code (related to phrase renames).
- Allow previewing to work when composing entirely in the BB code editor
- Respect API permission bypass when checking alert viewability
- Fix some sort callbacks on PHP 8+
- Fix PHP 8 compatibility in XML utilities
- When a username change request requires moderator approval, log the IP the request was received from.
- Remove user profile banners when banning users with the spam cleaner
- Prevent an error caused by GCM push notification subscriptions.
- When quoting a post, do not include quote tags if they would be empty
- Give MySQL an index hint to improve performance of newest thread API requests (with no other filters)
- Prevent an error in the structured data of questions if the plain text version contains no content
- Fix issue that prevented the RTE from being programmatically focused
- Relax validation of URLs in BB code content as users may submit URLs that are missing URL encoding in some scenarios.
- When a profile banner is applied, ensure that the text stroke applied to the username respects user group-based username CSS modifications.
- Prevent an error when rendering article previews if the thread's first post is not set correctly
- Prevent double URL autolinking when an unfurled URL contains a URL within it.
- Ensure that Facebook embeds are always responsive.
- Fix permission check when removing tags with the tag changer service
- Do not grant the change username permission to the unconfirmed user group when upgrading to 2.2 (from 2.1 or earlier). For existing upgrades, remove the permission from this group explicitly. If you wish to allow unconfirmed users to change their usernames, the permission will need to be explicitly re-added after upgrading to 2.2.2.
- Ensure that the RTE preview tab does not expand unexpectedly if there are no right aligned toolbar icons.
- Fix typo in overlay click options list.
- Ensure that BB code blocks (code, quote, and similar) do not appear behind floated images.
- Prevent an error when fetching a post that contains an embedded video via the API.
- Prevent invalid characters from being displayed in certain cases when highlighting search results.
- When clicking "more options", ensure that thread type-related fields don't come from a saved draft
- Render push templates with the receiver as the visitor
- Apply a content type to the username change entity.
- Ensure that banned users do not receive an activity summary email.
- Fix a situation where the "display children in navigation" option for node-based navigation entries does not work.
- Apply explanation tooltips more consistently to the account header section.
- Allow Google Analytics 4 measurement IDs as well as Universal Analytics property IDs.
- Allow passing through JS options for sticky submit rows
- Provide an option to use the given user's language when calling \XF::asVisitor()
- Ensure post ad positions are retained in article template extensions, and exclude them from appearing in article forums with an expanded display
- Disable auto closing HTML tags in the template modification find and replace inputs.
- When importing from another XF installation, properly rewrite quotes which are missing a member ID
- _help_page_bb_codes
- account_alert_toggle
- account_alerts_mark_read
- attachments.less
- bb_code.less
- codemirror.less
- conversation_mark_unread
- core.less
- core_bbcode.less
- editor.less
- editor_base.less
- fa.css
- font_awesome_setup
- forum_post_thread
- member.less
- member_macros
- member_tooltip
- member_tooltip.less
- member_view
- message.less
- node_list.less
- node_list_forum
- notice_macros
- post_article_macros
- post_macros
- setup_fa.less
- thread_type_fields_poll
- thread_view_type_question
Current requirements
Please note that XenForo 2.2 has higher system requirements than earlier versions.The following are minimum requirements:
- PHP 7.0 or newer (PHP 7.4 recommended)
- MySQL 5.5 and newer (Also compatible with MariaDB/Percona etc.)
- All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.2.
- Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 2.0.
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