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This is a responsive XenForo style with CSS3 gradients and shadows.
Style is designed with support for high definition displays, such as Apple Retina display. Other styles look pixelated on new generation of monitors, this style looks sharp.
Style has configurable post layout. You can show poster's profile on left or right side and you can separate poster's profile from post.
Other features:
Ability to set different logos for high definition and normal displays
Ability to set custom logo for mobile devices
Configurable fixed or fluid layout (simply set width to @pageWidth property)
Floating "to top" and "to bottom" navigation on bottom right corner. Compatible with iOS7. Can be disabled or customized in style properties.
Customizable header: header can have dark background (default), light background (see my support forum). Navigation can have 1 or 2 rows, you can swap navigation blocks order, center or left align logo, etc.
Unique CSS3 breadcrumbs that use gradients with fallback for old IE.
On mobile devices sidebar can be toggled.
Login uses overlay window instead of appearing above header. It can be disabled in style properties.
All overlay windows use light background matching the rest of forum.
Style has built-in support for most popular add-ons:
Resource Manager
User Albums
and many small add-ons.
Style is available in 6 premade color schemes:
Blue (blue / red)
Light blue (blue / orange)
Navy blue (blue / red)
Green (green / red)
Light green (green / orange)
Purple (purple / orange)
More color schemes can be created with ColorizeIt tool, available on download page.
Some screenshots made with phone with high definition display:
Style is designed with support for high definition displays, such as Apple Retina display. Other styles look pixelated on new generation of monitors, this style looks sharp.
Style has configurable post layout. You can show poster's profile on left or right side and you can separate poster's profile from post.
Other features:
Ability to set different logos for high definition and normal displays
Ability to set custom logo for mobile devices
Configurable fixed or fluid layout (simply set width to @pageWidth property)
Floating "to top" and "to bottom" navigation on bottom right corner. Compatible with iOS7. Can be disabled or customized in style properties.
Customizable header: header can have dark background (default), light background (see my support forum). Navigation can have 1 or 2 rows, you can swap navigation blocks order, center or left align logo, etc.
Unique CSS3 breadcrumbs that use gradients with fallback for old IE.
On mobile devices sidebar can be toggled.
Login uses overlay window instead of appearing above header. It can be disabled in style properties.
All overlay windows use light background matching the rest of forum.
Style has built-in support for most popular add-ons:
Resource Manager
User Albums
and many small add-ons.
Style is available in 6 premade color schemes:
Blue (blue / red)
Light blue (blue / orange)
Navy blue (blue / red)
Green (green / red)
Light green (green / orange)
Purple (purple / orange)
More color schemes can be created with ColorizeIt tool, available on download page.
Some screenshots made with phone with high definition display:
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