Addon [ITD] Remove "Home Page" from user profile. 1.0.0


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Code hoặc hướng dẫn này được sử dụng trên phiên bản Xenforo cũ đã quá hạn sử dụng. Bạn hãy click để tìm bản mới hơn
Overview: Spammers abuse this HOMEPAGE area by filling them up with their spam websites so I recommend you should remove this option.

This add-on will remove "Home Page" from user profile.

Setp 1:
  1. Download attachment & unzip it.
  2. Log in to your Admin CP and click on "Install Add-on" at bottom left corner.
  3. Upload the unzipped XML file.
Setp 2:

Log in to your Admin CP.
then:Users>Batch Update Users and press "Search" with default setting.

After selecting all existing users, tic on "Remove Home Pages" and press "Update Users" as per below image.


That's all :)

Sending a donation:

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation. My PayPal email address provided upon request via Private Conversation

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