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-Tìm đến function buildBasicLinkWithIntegerParam , Cụ thể là dòng thứ 644 (open note pad ++)
Thay bằng :
public static function buildBasicLinkWithIntegerParam($prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $intField, $titleField = '')
if ((is_array($data) || $data instanceof ArrayAccess) && isset($data[$intField]))
self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);
$title = (($titleField && !empty($data[$titleField])) ?

Hoặc có thể bạn copy toàn bộ nội dung bên dưới thay cho file Link.php
* Helper methods to generate links to content. Links generated
* by this are not necessarily HTML escaped. The calling code
* should escape them for the output context they apply to.
* @package XenForo_Core
class XenForo_Link
* Stores a cache of handlers for prefixes. Many types of links will
* be generated multiple times on a page, so this cache reduces the
* amount of object creation/validation necessary.
* @var array
protected static $_handlerCache = array();
* URL prefix to use when generating a canonical link.
* @var string|null
protected static $_canonicalLinkPrefix = null;
* If true, uses friendly URLs that don't include index.php or a query string (unless required).
* @var boolean
protected static $_useFriendlyUrls = false;
* If true, Romanize titles before outputting them in URLs.
* @var boolean
protected static $_romanizeTitles = false;
* @var string
protected static $_indexRoute = 'forums/';
protected $_linkString = '';
protected $_canPrependFull = true;
* Constructor. Use the static methods in general. However, you can create
* an object of this type from a link builder to generate an arbitrary URL.
* @param string $linkString
* @param boolean $canPrependFull True if the default full link prefix can be prepended to make a full URL
public function __construct($linkString, $canPrependFull = true)
$this->_linkString = $linkString;
$this->_canPrependFull = $canPrependFull;
* @return string Link
public function __toString()
return $this->_linkString;
* @return boolean
public function canPrependFull()
return $this->_canPrependFull;
* Builds a link to a public resource. The type should contain a prefix
* optionally split by a "/" with the specific action (eg "templates/edit").
* @param string $type Prefix and action
* @param mixed $data Data that the prefix/action should be applied to, if applicable
* @param array $extraParams Additional params
* @return string The link
public static function buildPublicLink($type, $data = null, array $extraParams = array(), $skipPrepend = false)
$type = self::_checkForFullLink($type, $fullLink, $fullLinkPrefix);
$link = self::_buildLink('public', $type, $data, $extraParams, $prefix);
$queryString = self::buildQueryString($extraParams);
if ($link instanceof XenForo_Link)
$isRaw = true;
$canPrependFull = $link->canPrependFull();
$isRaw = false;
$canPrependFull = true;
if (strpos($link, '#') !== false)
list($link, $hash) = explode('#', $link);
if ($link == self::$_indexRoute)
$link = '';
else if (XenForo_Application::isRegistered('routeFiltersOut'))
$routeFilters = XenForo_Application::get('routeFiltersOut');
if (isset($routeFilters[$prefix]))
foreach ($routeFilters[$prefix] AS $filter)
list($from, $to) = self::translateRouteFilterToRegex(
$filter['find_route'], $filter['replace_route']
$newLink = preg_replace($from, $to, $link);
if ($newLink != $link)
$link = $newLink;
if (self::$_useFriendlyUrls || $isRaw)
$outputLink = ($queryString !== '' ? "$link?$queryString" : $link);
if ($queryString !== '' && $link !== '')
$append = "?$link&$queryString";
// 1 or neither of these has content
$append = $link . $queryString;
if ($append !== '')
$append = "?$append";
if ($skipPrepend)
$outputLink = $append;
$outputLink = 'index.php' .  $append;
if ($fullLink && $canPrependFull)
$outputLink = $fullLinkPrefix . $outputLink;
// deal with a hash in the $type {xen:link prefix#hash..}
if (($hashPos = strpos($type, '#')) !== false)
$hash = substr($type, $hashPos + 1);
if ($outputLink === '')
$outputLink = '.';
return $outputLink . (empty($hash) ? '' : '#' . $hash);
* Builds a link to an admin resource. The type should contain a prefix
* optionally split by a "/" with the specific action (eg "templates/edit").
* @param string $type Prefix and action
* @param mixed $data Data that the prefix/action should be applied to, if applicable
* @param array $extraParams Additional params
* @return string The link
public static function buildAdminLink($type, $data = null, array $extraParams = array())
$type = self::_checkForFullLink($type, $fullLink, $fullLinkPrefix);
$link = self::_buildLink('admin', $type, $data, $extraParams);
$queryString = self::buildQueryString($extraParams);
if (strpos($link, '#') !== false)
list($link, $hash) = explode('#', $link);
if ($queryString !== '' && $link !== '')
$append = $link . '&' . $queryString;
// 1 or neither of these has content
$append = $link . $queryString;
// deal with a hash in the $type {xen:link prefix#hash..}
if (($hashPos = strpos($type, '#')) !== false)
$append .= substr($type, $hashPos + 1);
$outputLink = 'admin.php' . ($append !== '' ? '?' : '') . $append;
if ($fullLink)
$outputLink = $fullLinkPrefix . $outputLink;
return $outputLink . (empty($hash) ? '' : '#' . $hash);
* Builds a link along the lines of <prefix>/<sub-component>/<data.id>/<action>.
* @param array $subComponents List of sub-components that are valid as keys, with specific child keys (title, intId, stringId)
* @param string $outputPrefix
* @param string $action
* @param string $extension
* @param mixed $data
* @return string|false String if sub-component matched with appropriate data, false otherwise
public static function buildSubComponentLink(array $subComponents, $outputPrefix, $action, $extension, $data)
$parts = explode('/', $action, 2);
$subComponentName = strtolower($parts[0]);
foreach ($subComponents AS $key => $subComponent)
if ($key == $subComponentName)
$action = (isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '');
if (isset($subComponent['intId']))
$titleField = (isset($subComponent['title']) ? $subComponent['title'] : '');
return self::buildBasicLinkWithIntegerParam("$outputPrefix/$parts[0]", $action, $extension, $data, $subComponent['intId'], $titleField);
else if (isset($subComponent['stringId']))
return self::buildBasicLinkWithStringParam("$outputPrefix/$parts[0]", $action, $extension, $data, $subComponent['stringId']);
return false;
return false;
* Check to see if a full link is requested.
* @param string $type Link type
* @param boolean $fullLink Modified by ref. Returns whether a full link is requested.
* @param string $fullLinkPrefix If a full link is requested, the prefix to use
* @return string Link type, with full link param stripped off if necessary
protected static function _checkForFullLink($type, &$fullLink, &$fullLinkPrefix)
if (!$type)
$fullLink = false;
$fullLinkPrefix = '';
return $type;
if ($type[0] == 'c' && substr($type, 0, 10) == 'canonical:')
$type = substr($type, 10);
$fullLink = true;
$fullLinkPrefix = self::getCanonicalLinkPrefix() . '/';
else if ($type[0] == 'f' && substr($type, 0, 5) == 'full:')
$type = substr($type, 5);
$fullLink = true;
$paths = XenForo_Application::get('requestPaths');
$fullLinkPrefix = $paths['fullBasePath'];
$fullLink = false;
$fullLinkPrefix = '';
return $type;
* Internal link builder.
* @param string $group Type of link being built (admin or public)
* @param string $type Type of data the link is for (prefix and action)
* @param mixed $data
* @param array $extraParams
* @param string|null $prefix The prefix found
* @return string
protected static function _buildLink($group, $type, $data, array &$extraParams, &$prefix = null)
if (isset($extraParams['_params']) && is_array($extraParams['_params']))
$params = $extraParams['_params'];
$extraParams = array_merge($params, $extraParams);
$extension = '';
if (($dotPos = strrpos($type, '.')) !== false)
$extension = substr($type, $dotPos + 1);
$type = substr($type, 0, $dotPos);
if (($hashPos = strpos($type, '#')) !== false)
$type = substr($type, 0, $hashPos);
if (($slashPos = strpos($type, '/')) !== false)
list($prefix, $action) = explode('/', $type, 2);
if ($action == 'index')
$action = '';
$prefix = $type;
$action = '';
$handler = self::_getPrefixHandler($group, $prefix, (boolean)$data);
if ($handler === false)
$link = false;
$link = $handler->buildLink($prefix, $prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $extraParams);
if ($link === false || $link === null)
return self::buildBasicLink($prefix, $action, $extension);
return $link;
* Gets the object that should handle building the link for this prefix.
* May also return false if only the standard behavior is desired.
* @param string $group Type of link (public or admin)
* @param string $originalPrefix Prefix to build the link for (should be the "original prefix" in the DB)
* @param boolean $haveData Whether we have a data element
* @return object|false Object with "buildLink" method or false
protected static function _getPrefixHandler($group, $originalPrefix, $haveData)
if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group]))
self::$_handlerCache[$group] = self::_loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group);
if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group][$originalPrefix]))
return false;
$info =& self::$_handlerCache[$group][$originalPrefix];
if ($haveData)
if (!isset($info['handlerWithData']))
$info['handlerWithData'] = self::_loadPrefixHandlerClass($info, true);
return $info['handlerWithData'];
if (!isset($info['handlerNoData']))
$info['handlerNoData'] = self::_loadPrefixHandlerClass($info, false);
return $info['handlerNoData'];
* Load the prefix link build handler class based on current settings.
* @param array $info Info about how to build this link (includes build_link, route_class keys)
* @param boolean $haveData True if we have a data param for this link
* @return object|false Object with "buildLink" method or false
protected static function _loadPrefixHandlerClass(array $info, $haveData)
if ($info['build_link'] == 'none' || ($info['build_link'] == 'data_only' && !$haveData))
// never build or only build when we have data (and we don't now)
return false;
if ($info['build_link'] == 'all')
// always build - check for a previous call
if (isset($info['handlerWithData']))
return $info['handlerWithData'];
else if (isset($info['handlerNoData']))
return $info['handlerNoData'];
// ...otherwise load the class we need
$class = XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass($info['route_class'], 'route_prefix');
if (!$class)
return false;
$handler = new $class();
if (!method_exists($handler, 'buildLink'))
return false;
return $handler;
* Loads all the link build handler data for an entire group of prefixes.
* @param string $group Type of prefix (public or admin)
* @return array Keys are "original prefixes" and values are info about output prefix/class/build settings
protected static function _loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group)
return XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_RoutePrefix')->getPrefixesForRouteCache($group);
* Gets the name of the specified prefix handler class.
* @param string $group
* @param string $prefix
* @return string|false
public static function getPrefixHandlerClassName($group, $prefix)
if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group]))
self::$_handlerCache[$group] = self::_loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group);
if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group][$prefix]))
return false;
return self::$_handlerCache[$group][$prefix]['route_class'];
* Examines action and extra parameters from a link build call and formulates
* a page number link parameter if applicable.
* @param string $action
* @param array $params
* @return string $action
public static function getPageNumberAsAction($action, array &$params)
if (isset($params['page']))
if (strval($params['page']) !== XenForo_Application::$integerSentinel && $params['page'] <= 1)
else if (!$action)
if ($params['page'] != XenForo_Application::$integerSentinel)
$params['page'] = intval($params['page']);
$action = "page-$params[page]";
return $action;
* Helper to manually set handler info for a group. Keys should be "original prefixes"
* and values should be arrays with keys matching the xf_route_prefix table.
* @param string $group Type of prefix to handle (public or admin)
* @param array $info Info to set
public static function setHandlerInfoForGroup($group, array $info)
self::$_handlerCache[$group] = $info;
* Gets the handler info for the group of prefixes.
* @param string $group
* @return array
public static function getHandlerInfoForGroup($group)
if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group]))
self::$_handlerCache[$group] = self::_loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group);
return self::$_handlerCache[$group];
* Resets the handlers for all groups or for a particular group. Mainly used for testing.
* @param string|false $group If false, resets all handlers; otherwise, resets the specified handler group
public static function resetHandlerInfo($group = false)
if ($group === false)
self::$_handlerCache = array();
* Builds a basic link: a prefix and action only.
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $action
* @param string $extension
* @return string
public static function buildBasicLink($prefix, $action, $extension = '')
if ($extension)
self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);
if ($prefix === 'index' && $action === '')
return '';
return "$prefix/$action$extension";
* Prepares the link extension and action, if necessary. If an extension is specified,
* the provided value will be prefixed with a ".". If there is an extension and there's
* no action, an explicit "index" action will be specified.
* @param string $extension Initially, the extension to the link specified; prefixed with "." if necessary
* @param string $action The link action; modified if necessary
public static function prepareExtensionAndAction(&$extension, &$action, $prepareAction = true)
if ($extension)
$extension = '.' . $extension;
if ($action === '')
$action = 'index';
* Builds a basic link for a request that may have an integer param.
* Output will be in the format [prefix]/[title].[int]/[action]/ or similar,
* based on whether the correct values in data are set.
* @param string $prefix Link prefix
* @param string $action Link action
* @param string $extension Link extension (for content type)
* @param mixed $data Specific data to link to. If available, an array or an object that implements ArrayAccess
* @param string $intField The name of the field that holds the integer identifier
* @param string $titleField If there is a title field, the name of the field that holds the title
* @return false|string False if no data is provided, the link otherwise
public static function buildBasicLinkWithIntegerParam($prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $intField, $titleField = '')
if ((is_array($data) || $data instanceof ArrayAccess) && isset($data[$intField]))
self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);
$title = (($titleField && !empty($data[$titleField])) ? $data[$titleField] : '');
if($action=="" && $extension==""){
return "$prefix/" . self::buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($data[$intField], $title) . ".html";
return "$prefix/" . self::buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($data[$intField], $title) . "/$action$extension";
return false;
* Builds a basic link for a request that may have a string param.
* Output will be in the format [prefix]/[param]/[action].
* Note that it is expected that the string param is already clean enough
* to be inserted into the link.
* @param string $prefix Link prefix
* @param string $action Link action
* @param string $extension Link extension (for content type)
* @param mixed $data Specific data to link to. If available, an array or an object that implements ArrayAccess, or a simple string to be used directly
* @param string $strField The name of the field that holds the string identifier
* @return false|string False if no data is provided, the link otherwise
public static function buildBasicLinkWithStringParam($prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $strField)
if ($data)
self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);
if ((is_array($data) || $data instanceof ArrayAccess)
&& isset($data[$strField])
&& $data[$strField] !== '')
return "$prefix/" . $data[$strField] . "/$action$extension";
else if (is_string($data))
return "$prefix/$data/$action$extension";
return false;
* Builds the URL component for an integer and title. Outputs <int> or <int>-<title>.
* @param integer $integer
* @param string $title
* @param boolean|null $romanize If true, non-latin strings are romanized. If null, use default setup
* @return string
public static function buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($integer, $title = '', $romanize = null)
if ($title && XenForo_Application::get('options')->includeTitleInUrls)
if ($romanize === null)
$romanize = self::$_romanizeTitles;
$title = self::getTitleForUrl($title, $romanize);
if ($title !== '')
# /item-title.id/ (where delimiter is '.')
return urlencode(self::getTitleForUrl($title, $romanize)) . XenForo_Application::URL_ID_DELIMITER . intval($integer);
return intval($integer);
* Cache for getting prepped/Romanized titles for URLs
* @var array
protected static $_titleCache = array();
* Gets version of a title that is valid in a URL. Invalid elements are stripped
* or replaced with '-'. It may not be possible to reverse a URL'd title to the
* original title.
* @param string $title
* @param boolean $romanize If true, non-latin strings are romanized
* @return string
public static function getTitleForUrl($title, $romanize = false)
$title = strval($title);
if (isset(self::$_titleCache[$title]))
return self::$_titleCache[$title];
$original = $title;
if ($romanize)
$title = utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent($title));
$title = strtr(
'`!"$%^&*()-+={}[]<>;:@#~,./?|' . "\r\n\t\\",
'                            ' . '    '
$title = strtr($title, array('"' => '', "'" => ''));
if ($romanize)
$title = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/', '', $title);
$title = preg_replace('/[ ]+/', '-', trim($title));
$title = strtr($title, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
self::$_titleCache[$original] = $title;
return $title;
* Builds a query string from an array of items. Keys of the array will become
* names of items in the query string. Nested arrays are supported.
* @param array $elements Elements to build the query string from
* @param string $prefix For nested arrays, specifies the base context we're in.
*Leave default unless wanting all elements inside an array.
* @return string
public static function buildQueryString(array $elements, $prefix = '')
$output = array();
foreach ($elements AS $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
if (!$value)
$encodedName = ($prefix ? $prefix . '[' . urlencode($name) . ']' : urlencode($name));
$childOutput = self::buildQueryString($value, $encodedName);
if ($childOutput !== '')
$output[] = $childOutput;
if ($value === null || $value === false || $value === '')
$value = strval($value);
if ($prefix)
// part of an array
$output[] = $prefix . '[' . urlencode($name) . ']=' . urlencode($value);
$output[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);
return implode('&', $output);
* Set the prefix for links that are generated as canonical links.
* @param string $linkPrefix
public static function setCanonicalLinkPrefix($linkPrefix)
self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix = self::convertUriToAbsoluteUri($linkPrefix, true);
* Gets the canonical link prefix to use for generating canonical links.
* @return string
public static function getCanonicalLinkPrefix()
if (self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix === null)
self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix = self::convertUriToAbsoluteUri(XenForo_Application::get('options')->boardUrl, true);
return self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix;
* Sets whether friendly URLs should be used for generating links.
* @param boolean $value
public static function useFriendlyUrls($value)
self::$_useFriendlyUrls = $value;
* Sets whether friendly titles should be romanized in links.
* @param boolean $value
public static function romanizeTitles($value)
self::$_romanizeTitles = $value;
* Sets the index route
* @param $value
public static function setIndexRoute($value)
self::$_indexRoute = $value;
* @return string
public static function getIndexRoute()
return self::$_indexRoute;
* Converts what may be a relative link into an absolute URI.
* @param string $uri URI to convert
* @param boolean $includeHost If true, includes host, port, and protocol
* @param array|null $paths Paths to override (uses application level if not provided)
* @return string
public static function convertUriToAbsoluteUri($uri, $includeHost = false, array $paths = null)
if (!$paths)
$paths = XenForo_Application::get('requestPaths');
if ($uri == '.')
$uri = ''; // current directory
if (substr($uri, 0, 2) == '//')
return $paths['protocol'] . ':' . $uri;
else if (substr($uri, 0, 1) == '/')
if ($includeHost)
return $paths['protocol'] . '://' . $paths['host'] . $uri;
return $uri;
else if (preg_match('#^[a-z0-9-]+://#i', $uri))
return $uri;
else if ($includeHost)
return $paths['fullBasePath'] . $uri;
return $paths['basePath'] . $uri;
public static function translateRouteFilterToRegex($from, $to)
$to = strtr($to, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$'));
$findReplacements = array();
$replacementChr = chr(26);
preg_match_all('/\{([a-z0-9_]+)(:([^}]+))?\}/i', $from, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches AS $i => $match)
$placeholder = $replacementChr . $i . $replacementChr;
if (!empty($match[3]))
switch ($match[3])
case 'digit': $replace = '(\d+)'; break;
case 'string': $replace = '([^/.]+)'; break;
default: $replace = '([^/]*)';
$replace = '([^/]*)';
$findReplacements[$placeholder] = $replace;
$from = str_replace($match[0], $placeholder, $from);
$to = str_replace($match[0], '$' . ($i + 1), $to);
$from = preg_quote($from, '#');
foreach ($findReplacements AS $findPlaceholder => $findReplacement)
$from = str_replace($findPlaceholder, $findReplacement, $from);
return array('#^' . $from . '#', $to);

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