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Dưới đây là site của mình: receives about 874 unique visitors and 22,736 (26.00 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $7.00/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $6,256.05

Tạm dịch:
banlong có 874 unique visitors và 22,736 page views mỗi ngày. Doanh thu quảng cáo dự kiến là 7$/ngày. Giá trị ước tính của trang web $6,256.05

Thử xem trang web của các bạn ra sao... :)
vnxf receives about 5,247 unique visitors and 48,795 (9.30 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $41.97/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $17,494.98. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 92,429 in the world and 0.00114% of global Internet users visit it.
share4web receives about 667 unique visitors and 2,336 (3.50 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $5.34/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $2,058.27
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tinhte receives about 125,646 unique visitors and 412,120 (3.28 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $1,005.17/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $2,444,636.42. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 5,296 in the world and 0.0273% of global Internet users visit it. This site has Google page rank of 5. Site is hosted in Hanoi, 44, 94107, Vietnamand links to network IP address
nói chung cái gì bằng tấm lòng sẽ đến được với tấm lòng thôi.
vnxf có được như thế này tất cả đều nhờ mem ủng hộ thôi.
xin cảm ơn tất cả ae. Hy vọng vnxf sẽ phát triển tốt hơn để phục vụ ae nhiều hơn.
Theo tinh thần định giá của thớt rofl~~:
2 tek receives about 16,155 unique visitors and 43,779 (2.71 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $129.24/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $60,911.42. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 42,300 in the world and 0.00351% of global Internet users visit it. This site has Google page rank of 0. Site is hosted in San Francisco, CA, 94107, United States and links to network IP address
pornhub receives about hidden unique visitors and hidden page views per day which should earn about hidden/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is hidden. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 65 in the world and 1.28% of global Internet users visit it. This site has Google page rank of 5. Site is hosted in Waltham, MA, 02451, Netherlands and links to network IP address
site mình bánh bèo quá facepalm~~
skinxf receives about 1,059 unique visitors and 4,234 (4.00 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $8.47/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $3,745.28. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 421,767 in the world and 0.00023% of global Internet users visit it
mình thấy hầu như là đúng hết mà. còn định giá cho vui thôi. chứ vnxf có thu đc $ nào đâu. hiii
taplamseo receives about 538 unique visitors and 808 (1.50 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $4.31/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $1,856.74. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 942,079 in the world and 0.000117% of global Internet users visit it.

Con số bé nhỏ :))))
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azviet receives about 1,300 unique visitors and 3,510 (2.70 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $10.40/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $4,421.32. According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 411,182 in the world and 0.00026% of global Internet users visit it. This site has Google page rank of 0. Site is hosted in Hanoi, 44, Vietnam and links to network IP address
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