2.0.10 is now available XenForo licensed customers table for all to download. We recommend all customers table có running previous versions of XenForo 2.0 upgrade to this release to Benefit from Increased Stability.
This Will Provide at-a-glance information about the environment chứa XenForo is running. It will report to you nếu cũng current PHP version is Sufficient for running future versions of XenForo.
In Addition, the Admin home page will now display messages am also no longer nếu environment meets the minimum requirements for XenForo. This can happen, for example, if the extensions are switched off Certain or you have moved to a different server since installing or upgrading XenForo last.
Download XenForo 2.0.10
Some of the changes in 2.0.10 XF include:
Had public sau templates have changes:
This Will Provide at-a-glance information about the environment chứa XenForo is running. It will report to you nếu cũng current PHP version is Sufficient for running future versions of XenForo.
In Addition, the Admin home page will now display messages am also no longer nếu environment meets the minimum requirements for XenForo. This can happen, for example, if the extensions are switched off Certain or you have moved to a different server since installing or upgrading XenForo last.
Download XenForo 2.0.10
Some of the changes in 2.0.10 XF include:
- Improve compatibility with MySQL 8.0.
- Update to Froala 2.8.4.
- Canonicalize the URL favicon.
- Fix unmatched closing tag in the HTML summary like.
- Ensure stats collection job is run as a non-manual job.
- When highlighting search terms, HTML entities Ensure có are not highlighted.
- Improve support for passive event listeners in JavaScript.
- Use aria attributes thay title attributes in some places to avoid Không cần browser tooltips.
- Print tag / recipient inputs Esc key cancels là Ensure hiện thay item Accepting it.
- Fix issue seen the RTE mà có older Android versions being disabled on a modern dù Chrome / Firefox version was being used.
- When renaming a user as you delete it, Ensure the correct redirect URL is used.
- When saving a template without changes Ensure the LAST_EDIT_DATE is changed.
- Sai class with a class extension names khi tạo Key, provide more elegant and Clearer errors.
- Handle the warnings link on the member profile Differently.
- If a user who does not have an email trong profile is using the contact form, make the required email field.
- Prevent entry a duplicate news feeds or copying a post khi moving to a new thread.
- Khi còn romanizing transilterate dubious URLs standard ASCII characters to characters.
- Ensure moderator log handlers have passed có kiểu print.
- Bailout of HTML widgets verification options if no key bị widget set.
- Reduce number of queries in the "Registered members" list.
- Make media sites more responsive oEmbed.
- Pass the correct users upgrade end date trước khi reinstating a canceled / reversed payment.
- When disabling checkboxes thay dùng disabled readonly property.
- When exporting a user using the data portability tools, multibyte UTF-8 characters strip out To improve compatibility.
- Ensure the trophies help page is not Shown on the help page list if trophies are disabled.
- Improve support for Apple Music and Soundcloud BB code media sites.
- Khi tạo / editing a "Registered feed" display an error if the user can not be found provided.
- Use inputmode = "number" thay type = "number" two step verification on inputs.
- Support vendor prefixed add-on IDs in the MAX_LENGTH templater function.
- When editing the currency format for a language, {value} Ensure That if it is accepted in the format string vẻ first.
- When filtering is active / expired user upgrades by username, Ensure the correct error is displayed if the user does not exist.
- Improvements in memory limit in the GD image adjustment adapter.
- Add noindex to the "Post new thread" pages.
- Avoid URLs khi inner invisible text tag for a URL is empty.
- When sending a moderator copying or moving action alert khi a post, include a link to the post thay the thread.
- If a guest has selected a specific language, Ensure this is persisted through to khi có chúng register a user account.
- Fix invalid HTML in the node list.
- Allow RTE shortcut key modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) to be translated.
- When adjusting an attachment file name, use the string functions to avoid potencial utf8_ UTF8 errors.
- Allow pages to bypass verification step two terms / privacy policy acceptance.
- Increase time limit of one month dismissed notice cookies to clear and do not add a user logs out khi.
- Prevent auto-linking URLs invalid.
- Trigger save a draft on the preview.
- Attempt to scroll to the page jump menu nav page on Android than it is not hidden by the keyboard.
- Ensure fixed offset is only áp footer notice to the page footer element level.
- Adjust the position of the select-to-quote tooltip on Android devices.
- Avoid errors if an alert template / like the item template is missing.
- Less Ensure templates are more resilient to missing CSS rendering khi options.
- Prevent duplicate actions handling the multi-quote khi overlay.
- Add missing constant in the oEmbed controller error.
- Appropriately used in custom HTML escape field titles.
- When converting HTML to BB code Ensure That We Maintain the original list type.
- Handle dealing with post unfortunately no longer reports mà have a valid prefix.
- Add a filter templater htmlspecialchars.
- Add a new "findRecentlyActiveValidUsers" method.
- Allow XF \ Http \ Upload and XF \ Attachment \ Manipulator to be extended.
- Add code events for pre / post add-on actions.
- When Selecting a color khỏi color picker, a change event is fired Ensure in JS.
- Use a different Approach to configuring the RTE khi có no permissions to upload attachments.
- Use styling rich user name on the "Users logged at the IP address" page, mostly for banned styling.
- When editing a thread title, Ensure That spam checks are re-Performed.
- Add a new, optional flood limit check for new threads vs new replies.
- Improve support for newer versions TLS print emails for PHP versions> = PHP 5.6.
- Add support in the code editor for phrasing Certain UI elements.
- Update EmojiOne artwork used in the new version 4.0 smilies to artwork.
- In the spam cleaner only to admin users show email addresses users who have the permission.
- On session creation, recount the unread count alert if needed.
- Automatically include the "Admin" Setting up the Visitor khi relation object.
- Only thử dùng random_bytes khi tạo a random string method if using PHP 7.0 and above.
- Trim string trong khi templater processing attributes to avoid empty Certain elements.
- Prevent a DuplicateKeyException quả from a race condition in the draft system.
- Canonicalize various permutations of the classes to the current scheme xf_user_authentication name of những classes.
- Allow the removal of thread prefixes batch printing Batch update threads.
- Support SET column type in the schema manager.
- Ensure guest có khi có sessions are not invalidated IP addresses change.
- Coerce route paths to have a trailing slash appended khi there is not one, để slash-less route match filters.
- Ensure có embeds media are not auto-linked if the media tag is disabled.
- Provide methods to retrieve the welcome message / mail objects from the Welcome service.
- Improve the compatibility BreadcrumbList schema.
- Better support for vendor prefixed add-on IDs in the Import classes.
- When approving the first post in a thread, the thread Actually approve.
- Add support for a whitelist of allowed to bypass routes mà privacy / terms acceptance policy.
- Fix infinite loop in AbstractNotifier service potencial.
- The state_change field of a report was suppressed khi comment reassigning a report.
- Handle invalid mail headers khi better bounce processing emails.
- Use word-break / break-word khi dealing with Certain cells in the user change log content to avoid breaking out of the cells.
- Remove from some internal nofollow links.
- If the attachment browser using filters, always chúng Ensure filters are unaligned redirect khi.
- Prevent errors in case the expected data isn't available when checking user criteria.
- Workaround an issue in iOS which may present smilies at twice the size when loaded dynamically in certain cases.
- Add a new 'removeCascadedSave' method to entities.
- When validating templates, ensure we provide more information in case of a compiler exception.
- Support touch events in the avatar cropper.
- Bailout of a connected account request if the connected account provider is no longer active.
- In some contexts, such as the search forms, only display prefixes if the prefixes are usable in content (forums/resources) that the viewing user can actually view.
- When migrating the XF1 config, check that the target location is writable.
- No longer assume that the array/collection key when adding attachments to content is the relevant attachment content ID.
- Fix an off by one (day) error in the user activity statistics.
- Increase the size of the numberbox buttons by default.
- Ensure errors are presented if there are some errors when clicking a XF.QuickEditClick link.
- Revert some recent changes to how recurring payments are handled in the Stripe payment handler.
- Hide active/expired user upgrade records where the user upgrade no longer exists.
- Prevent a redirect loop in some cases when accepting terms/privacy policy when the request originates from those pages.
- Various template changes with reference to the for_attr templater filter usage. Some attributes required it and didn't have it, others had it and did not need it (it only needs to be used on standard HTML tags, XF tag attributes will be escaped separately).
- Rollback transactions when logging a fatal error to ensure this always gets logged.
- Suppress errors caused by template modification application when importing an add-on. This prevents the add-on install/uninstall from getting stuck.
- Don't swallow errors when taking CLI add-on actions that set is_processing. Ensure the full trace is printed and an entry is logged.
- Ensure postUninstall is called in CLI uninstalls.
- Change the logging of CLI exceptions to not try to log the URL, _GET, etc, but instead log the command line.
- Display in the ACP if an add-on is stuck in the "is_processing" state and give a warning about error suppression and unexpected behavior (and to contact the add-on author for guidance).
- IPv6 conversion produces an incorrect IP if there are trailing 0000 blocks that are shortened
- Use transactions in the Thread editor.
- Make the post editor handle saving the thread editor if they're in use together.
- Fix Line/comma lists so that they use an integer sub-type instead of decoding as strings when pulling from the source database data.
- Prevent Firefox from displaying thread previews unexpectedly when using the back button in some scenarios.
- Improve infinite loop detection in the color picker.
- Ensure entity caches are wiped appropriately when using setAsSaved to avoid serving outdated values.
- Add a new debug property in JavaScript to disable AJAX submission. Simply run the following command in the browser console: XF.debug.disableAjaxSubmit = true;.
- Avoid removing too much padding with mergeNext and noPadding form rows.
- Workaround WebKit/Blink behaviours with regards to queueing color transitions in some scenarios.
- In the importer EntityEmulator unicode entities were not decoded in some cases.
- When importing a user, if a language ID hasn't been set (usually it wouldn't) set it to the defaultLanguageId.
- When merging tags, display the tag auto complete field for the target tag field.
- Given a threads/post link, if the post does not exist, redirect to the thread instead.
- Fix thread redirect keys becoming corrupted with the incorrect thread ID after the redirect has been moved.
- Do not attempt to delete redirects to a redirect thread when the redirect is soft deleted.
- Do not create a new redirect if the thread being moved is itself a redirect.
- Add a new "beforeAttachmentDelete" method to attachment handlers.
- Fix a few issues with new thread insertion when using quick thread in some cases.
- Improve memory usage for CLI rebuild commands.
- Fix "Find all threads by X" searches not using the correct results khi re-Querying for older results.
- Remove item list Không cần tag_search closing tag in the template.
- When Creating a thread, the thread if the record already has tags, the tags joined to a comma separated string array.
- Fix a race condition and return type potencial ambiguity in the Doctrine RedisCache provider. Based on code to Doctrine Contributed by @Steffen (thank you!)
Had public sau templates have changes:
- account_alerts
- account_alerts_popup
- account_avatar
- account_likes
- approval_item_profile_post_comment
- app_nav.less
- bb_code_tag_spoiler
- code_editor
- conversations_popup
- conversation_list_macros
- conversation_view
- core_bbcode.less
- core_datalist.less
- core_formrow.less
- core_input.less
- core_labels.less
- editor
- forum_post_quick_thread
- forum_post_thread
- forum_post_thread_chooser
- forum_view
- helper_account
- help_index
- help_wrapper
- lightbox_macros
- login
- member_ip_users_list
- member_macros
- member_warnings
- multi_quote_macros
- node_list_category
- notice_cookies
- page_nav
- post_macros
- prefix_macros
- profile_post_macros
- register_macros
- search_result_post
- search_result_profile_post
- search_result_thread
- spam_cleaner
- tag_search
- thread_list_item
- thread_list_macros
- thread_view
- two_step_backup
- two_step_email
- two_step_totp
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