Hoa Anh
XenForo 2.1.1 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
We have also made some improvements to the importer framework. Notably it is now possible to perform a multi-process import in order to make better use of multi-core processors. If you run an import via the CLI and you add the --processes option with a value greater than 1, then multiple PHP processes will be used to perform the import, instead of a single CPU core being used as is the PHP default. Your results may vary, but with the number of processes set to equal the number of physical cores on a sufficiently powerful server, you should notice a significant increase in performance.
You can also run your import command with the new --finalize option which will run the finalize stage automatically after the data import has finished.
While we're talking about importers we should also point out that we are today also releasing XenForo Importers 1.2.0 with a new "Invision Community Forums" importer, XenForo Media Gallery 2.1.1 which reintroduces a number of importers originally included in XFMG 1.x and XenForo Resource Manager 2.1.1 which includes an XFRM to XFRM importer. See below for more information.
If you are upgrading from XenForo 2.1.0, please be aware that there is a new option called "Convert Markdown-style content to BB code" which is now disabled by default. If you would like to use Markdown-style formatting in your messages, you will need to enable this option first.
The following public templates have had changes:
Link Upgrade: Xenforo 2.1.1 Upgrade
demo: http://upimages.net
We have also made some improvements to the importer framework. Notably it is now possible to perform a multi-process import in order to make better use of multi-core processors. If you run an import via the CLI and you add the --processes option with a value greater than 1, then multiple PHP processes will be used to perform the import, instead of a single CPU core being used as is the PHP default. Your results may vary, but with the number of processes set to equal the number of physical cores on a sufficiently powerful server, you should notice a significant increase in performance.
You can also run your import command with the new --finalize option which will run the finalize stage automatically after the data import has finished.
While we're talking about importers we should also point out that we are today also releasing XenForo Importers 1.2.0 with a new "Invision Community Forums" importer, XenForo Media Gallery 2.1.1 which reintroduces a number of importers originally included in XFMG 1.x and XenForo Resource Manager 2.1.1 which includes an XFRM to XFRM importer. See below for more information.
If you are upgrading from XenForo 2.1.0, please be aware that there is a new option called "Convert Markdown-style content to BB code" which is now disabled by default. If you would like to use Markdown-style formatting in your messages, you will need to enable this option first.
The following public templates have had changes:
- app_nav.less
- app_sectionlinks.less
- app_staffbar.less
- bb_code.less
- bb_code_preview.less
- bookmark_edit
- bookmark_macros
- category_view
- core_bbcode.less
- core_block.less
- core_contentrow.less
- core_menu.less
- core_pikaday.less
- core_tab.less
- editor.less
- forum_post_thread
- forum_view
- google_analytics
- member_macros
- member_tooltip
- member_view
- poll_macros
- prefix_input
- register_form
- register_macros
- share_page_macros
- structured_list.less
- thread_list_macros
Link Upgrade: Xenforo 2.1.1 Upgrade
demo: http://upimages.net
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