Released XenForo 2.0.2 Released | xenforo vnxf | xenforo việt nam


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XenForo 2.0.2 Released | xenforo vnxf | xenforo việt nam | xenforo **** | xen ****
XenForo 2.0.2, the second maintenance release for the XenForo 2.0 series is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.0 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
Download XenForo 2.0.2
There are a very large number of changes, most of which are fixes and many of which will go unnoticed, but here are some highlights:

Admin control panel search
now supports almost all content types and navigational areas of the admin control panel, and also supports up/down/enter keyboard navigation, so that in conjunction with the / keyboard shortcut, it is usable entirely from the keyboard.

xenforo 00.jpg

XenForo redirects for vBulletin (XF301VB)
is a new add-on for use by anyone who has performed an import from vBulletin. The system allows seamless redirection from any supported URL generated by vBulletin versions 3, 4 and 5 including 'friendly' URLs. The add-on is easily configurable, and is fully documented in the XenForo 2 manual.

In order to help us plan future versions of XenForo, including XenForo 2.1, we have also added a new process in this release to collect certain statistics from your server. At this time, these statistics include only your PHP version, your MySQL version and your XF version. These statistics are totally anonymous and cannot be used to identify any site, license or customer. If at any point in the future we change the data that it is collected, we will inform you. You will be given the opportunity to opt out of the stats collection when you upgrade to XF 2.0.2. You can also toggle it on or off under Options > Statistics and metrics.

Some of the fixes in 2.0.2 include:
  • The vBulletin importer has extensive changes, fixing issues including:
    • Double UTF8 conversion and text handling issues are now resolved
    • Performance is dramatically improved for the vB5 importer
    • vB4 blog attachments are now handled (and in fact, importing from vB4 with blog into XF2 will actually recover the vB3-blog attachments that went missing when you upgraded to vB4!)
    • Previously missed content is now fetched
    • vB5 conversations are properly imported
  • Improved compatibility with standards
  • Image resizing errors fixed
  • Improved handling of legacy user upgrade purchases
  • Improved purchase cancellation handling
  • Added missing code language phrases
  • Improved keyboard shortcut handling
  • Fixed canonicalisation of URLs under IIS
  • Fix for webkit browsers related to h-scroller
  • Display of attachments in quick thread fixed
  • Fixed handling of AJAX filtering when no results are returned
  • Fixed Tweet embed handling
  • Fixed potential infinite loop in the colour picker system
  • Improved IE flexbox handling
  • Fixed reference to non-existent post_above ad position
  • Support for setting javaScriptUrl in config.php
  • Fixed post edit history handling
  • Handle spam-cleaner-deleted users better
  • Fixed error relating to moving deleted/moderated posts
  • Added an index on xf_conversation_master.start_date for improved performance
  • New filters zerofill() and pad() available in the Templater
  • Twitch media embed handling improved
  • Fixed calls to CONVERT (%s USING utf8) to use utf8mb4 when necessary
  • Fixed invisible thread prefixes imported from XF1 to be visible
  • Add-on releases can now include .htaccess files
  • Fixed select-to-quote tooltip for mobile browsers
  • Update to Froala editor 2.7.4, lots of related bugs fixed
See the resolved 2.x bug reports forum for further information.

The following public templates have had changes:
  • app.less
  • app_body.less
  • approval_item_resource_version
  • base_custom_field_list
  • bb_code_preview
  • conversation_message_macros
  • core.less
  • core_hscroller.less
  • core_labels.less
  • core_tooltip.less
  • editor_base.less
  • forum_post_quick_thread
  • google_analytics
  • helper_action
  • helper_criteria
  • helper_user_search_criteria
  • import_index
  • import_step_config_vbulletin
  • log_sitemap_list
  • log_spam_cleaner_list
  • log_spam_cleaner_restore
  • member_stat_edit
  • message.less
  • node_list.less
  • option_macros
  • option_template_registrationWelcome
  • payment_profile_paypal
  • post_macros
  • thread_view
  • tools_rebuild
  • user_title_ladder_list
  • user_upgrade_active_downgrade
  • user_upgrade_manual
  • widget_members_online
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.

As always, new releases of XenForo are free to download for all customers with active licenses, who may now grab the new version from the customer area.

Note: add-ons, customizations and styles made for XenForo 1.x are not compatible with XenForo 2. If your site relies upon these for essential functionality, ensure that a XenForo 2 version exists before you start to upgrade. We strongly recommend you make a backup before attempting an upgrade.


Please note that XenForo 2.0 has higher system requirements than XenForo 1.x. We will be updating the requirements test script in the near future to reflect this. The following are minimum requirements:
  • PHP 5.4 or newer
  • MySQL 5.5 and newer
  • All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.0.
  • Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 2.0.
Installation and Upgrade Instructions for XenForo 2.0

Full details of how to install and upgrade XenForo can be found in the XenForo 2 Manual.

Note that when upgrading from XenForo 1.x, all add-ons will be disabled and style customizations will not be maintained. New versions of add-ons will need to be installed and customizations will need to be redone. We strongly recommended that you make a backup before attempting an upgrade. Once upgraded, you will not be able to downgrade without restoring from a backup.

Installation, Upgrading and Configuration of Add-ons

XenForo 2 add-ons have a standard structure so installation and upgrade processes will generally be the same for all add-ons. General add-on installation and upgrade instructions can be found in the XenForo 2 Manual.

Within the manual, there are specific pages discussing how each add-on can be used and configured.
XenForo 2.0.2 Released Full
XenForo 2.0.2 Released Upgrade
pass giải nén:
XenForo 2.0.2 Released Full
XenForo 2.0.2 Released Upgrade
pass giải nén:​
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em xài bị lỗi không cmt được bài viết ạ

sorry, do em bật adblock plus nên mới ko cmt đc
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Phần Add-ons bị lỗi không có install Add-ons mới, có cách nào thêm vào không
Sửa lần cuối:
Nhờ ae làm 1 tut copy data xen 1 qua xen 2. tks
Bước 1: Cài 1 forum trắng ở xen1.
Bước 2: Import data đã có vào.
Bước 3: Upgrade lên xen2. Chú ý xóa file .json trong /src/addon/XF.
Bước 4: Sau khi upgrade xong rebuild lại cache.

Demo: và
Em nâng cấp từ 1.4.2 lên 2.0.0 bị lỗi trắng trang.
Em đã restore lại code cũ.
Nhờ các anh chị tư vấn giúp giờ em phải làm gì?
Em đã làm theo các bước sau:
- Chép đè code trong thư mục upload lên host thông qua Filezilla.
- Truy cập domain/install làm theo hướng dẫn.
Và kết quả: trắng trang.
Em mới được giao nâng cấp diễn đàn nội bộ của công ty, mà trước giờ chưa có rớ vào luôn. Em thấy có vài hướng dẫn upgrade bảo uninstall add-on, style, template gì đấy mà em không rõ cách làm.
Anh chị nào có thể hướng dẫn chi tiếp giúp em 1 chút không?
Hoặc cách an toàn hơn là em nên nâng cấp lên phiên bản 1.x cao nhất là 1. mấy?
Em cảm ơn nhiều đã đọc cm của em.
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e nâng quá xa nhỉ?
1.4 thì nâng lên 1.5 đã.
giờ xem thử phiên bảng php phù hợp chưa? nếu xen 1.5 thì php 4.2 là ok , xen 2 thì 6.5-7.0 gì đó cũng đc.
xen 1.5.18 là cao nhất hiện tại
Sếp kêu em cài mã nguồn mới luôn rồi ạ.
Mà em cài tới bước kết nối data thì bị lỗi này.

Em đã set thư mục data và internal-data thành 777 rồi.
Không biết là bị lỗi gì ạ.
Do em set version PHP lên 7.0 mà không lên được ạ.
Em cài bản 1.5.18 ok
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