Help Internal links not UNFURL, hosting guys don't have idea how to fix it.


I have a forum, everything works fine, but my internal links not UNFURL.

Video showing what i get:

I'm pretty sure it's something on the hosting server side.

Some of you guys know what the server hosting need to modify on their side, so internal links UNFURL could work?
turn off link proxy. and disable addon have loading link

It's not active.

I also tried disabling all addons, same problem.

I'm sure it's from hosting side, but you don't know what they need to modify to solve this?
Sửa lần cuối:
Let's turn it off. in non-attack mode. u dont need to hide. its not important. in my country, if u use it, it shows that your website is quite weak.
OK, you were right if i unprox the server, the internal links works, but my IP will be unprotected.... -.-

Why the hell this happens.

There isn't a way for internal links to works with CF protection ON?